
We welcome your contributions to the development of SandTank. This document will help you with the process.


  1. Ensure npm and git are installed.
  2. Fork hydroframe/SandTank.
  3. Clone the repository to your computer and install dependencies.

    $ git clone<username>/SandTank.git
    $ cd SandTank
    $ npm install
  4. Create a feature branch.

    $ git checkout -b new_feature
  5. Start hacking.

  6. Stage the changes to commit.

    $ git add ./<path>/<to>/<file>
  7. Commit changes using commitzen.

    $ npm run commit
  8. Push the branch:

    $ git push origin new_feature
  9. Create a pull request and describe the change.

Contributing to the Client

To contribute to the client:

  1. Follow the instructions to run the web application.
  2. Modify the code in ./client and view the updates in the local web application.
  3. Follow steps 6-9 in the workflow.

Coding Style


  • Don’t modify the version numbers in package.json. They are modified automatically.

Contributing Templates

After creating a new template, it is often helpful to contribute the new template to the main project. To contribute a template:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 in the Workflow instructions.
  2. Copy the new template directory into ./deploy/pvw/simulations/templates inside the repository.
  3. Document the new template by following the Documenting Templates instructions.
  4. git add the new template files and documentation changes for step 6 in the workflow.
  5. Follow steps 7-9 in the workflow.

Updating the Documentation

After modifying the source code, it is often necessary to update the documentation.

See Documentation Update for more details.