
The ParaFlow Sandtank relies on a docker image to serve the web application along with the infrastructure to run the simulation codes and visualization server. This provides a streamlined execution and deployment of the application.

The sections below mainly focus on how a maintainer can rebuild each component that compose that end-product docker image.

The following set of users can safely skip this section and simply use the publicly available image under the name hydroframe/sandtank on DockerHub. The workflow for this level of development is provided in the template section.

Users that can safely skip the Docker Build section:

  • User that want to create/edit a template
  • User that want to develop the Web application (client)
  • User that want to develop the ParaViewWeb server side API (server)

Building docker images

The following steps build the docker application. If you would like to run it you should follow the instructions to Build the Web Client and Run Web Application that are included in the main README after you have completed these steps. Alternatively you can also follow the instructions for running the web application .

In general the steps below are not needed for the users as the end-product image is publicly available. Therefore if your goal is just to develop new templates or even make some Web tweaks you can achieve them without the build steps below.

These steps are mainly given as reference for when a new version of ParFlow or any other code is required after editing the DockerFile definitions.

Docker Development

This will create a local docker image named sandtank-dev which will build and install ParaFlow+EcoSlim with all its dependency along with ParaView-5.7.

cd ./docker/development

Docker Runtime

This will create a local docker image named sandtank-runtime which will only copy the end products from sandtank-dev into a more light-weight image meant to just run the application.

cd ./docker/runtime

Docker Web

This will create a local docker image named hydroframe/sandtank that extends sandtank-runtime with the ParaViewWeb infrastructure for managing web server and process manager.

cd ./docker/web

Publish docker images to HydroFrame

When a pull request is merged, the hydroframe/sandtank:latest image on dockerhub should be automatically updated via the GitHub Docker action. None of the other images will be pushed.

When a new git tag is pushed to the repository, it indicates that a new release is available. If a new tag is pushed, then a new docker image will also be pushed whose tag matches the git tag. For instance, if the git tag was v1.0, the new docker image pushed to dockerhub will be hydroframe/sandtank:v1.0.

Manage docker image as a file archive

If network is not available it can be convenient to capture a docker image so you can share it to someone else through a thumb-drive or any other media.

In order to capture a docker image into a file, you can run the following command line:

docker save hydroframe/sandtank | gzip > sandtank.tar.gz

Then once the user want to import that image to its local running docker, the following command line can be used:

docker load < sandtank.tar.gz